Parkview Nursery - Plant a Hummingbird and Butterfly Garden

Plant a Hummingbird and Butterfly Garden

Milkweek and Butterfly

Hummingbirds and butterflies are welcome visitors to most gardens so you should choose the right plants and encourage them to stay awhile. It is easy to attract them into your garden if you plant funnel-shaped flowers in large, conspicuous clumps. Sunny areas are most welcoming to both butterflies and hummingbirds and you should never use pesticides. These beautiful flowering plants will bloom from Spring through Summer and provide nectar to hummingbirds and butterflies.

Having a selection of diverse plants is important because butterfly larvae (caterpillars) need food plants like Milkweed, while adult butterflies need nectar plants like Purple Coneflower. Providing a source of water, such as a bird bath, will make your garden even more popular and don’t forget to hang a hummingbird feeder so you can enjoy watching these delightful birds.

Here are some of our favorite plants to grow in your hummingbird and butterfly gardens!

B = Butterfly loving plants & H = Hummingbird loving plants