Parkview Nursery - Apricot


We carry a great selection of apricots that specifically can grow in Southern California. Apricots like full sun and require regular watering. A new apricot tree requires three to four years before it will produce fruit as the early years are when the tree is growing foliage.

Blenheim Royal Apricot
Blenheim Royal

This variety is a favorite in California with its sweet, aromatic flavor.

Fruit Ripens: June to July

Gold Kist Apricot
Gold Kist

The Gold Kist is an excellent backyard apricot because of its good quality and heavy bearing fruit.

Fruit Ripens: May to June

Katy Apricot

The Katy apricot is a favorite for warm-winter climates as they are large and flavorful.

Fruit Ripens: May to June